Step 1
Place filter in Chemex and pre-wet with almost boiling water (around 200) to fully saturate filter. Pour any remaining water out of the Chemex.
Place filter in Chemex and pre-wet with almost boiling water (around 200) to fully saturate filter. Pour any remaining water out of the Chemex.

Step 2
Grind 45 grams of Case Coffee as fine as sea salt and place in pre-wetted filter, making sure the coffee bed is flat for even distribution.

Step 3
Start timer. Pour 75 grams of water into the coffee bed, fully saturating grounds with water. Wait 45 seconds.

Step 4
Begin pouring water in slow, steady clockwise circles, from the edge to the center, until scale registers 720 grams.
*Try and pace your pour by adding 100 grams of water approximately every 45 seconds. The stream of water should be about the thickness of a mouse tail.
Let water fully drip from coffee bed before remove filter with grounds.
Let water fully drip from coffee bed before remove filter with grounds.

Step 5
Give the brewed Chemex a gentle swirl to incorporate flavors before serving and enjoying